

 Aerial Hammock Dance Mini Workshop





 空中舞綢流動(Hammock Flow):開放各程度加入(Open Level)




In Hammock Flow, aerialists can progress through tricks and sequences in the single point hammock, building strength and endurance while working on fluidity and grace.  Skills will be taught individually and then built into a combination, which will be "performed" at the end of the workshop.


☛ 報名資格(Prerequisites):


* 必須有能力站在舞綢上倒掛,或可以站在地上用舞綢倒掛。


* Must be able stand at the base of the hammock and invert, or be able to invert from the ground on an aerial silk.



❤ 時間:2019.1.15 (二)  19:00~21:00


❤ 費用:原價3,60012/15 前報名享早鳥優惠價 $1,999!


❤ 預約報名請洽LINE ID@nomad  


授課教師 Brenna Brabury