

Qi Gong Yoga Workshop














Qi Gong Yoga Workshop (4-hour)


Kristina has been a long time practitioner of Qi Gong and Yoga and started incorporating Qi Gong into her yoga classes as a need for students to find stillness in their mind and build reservoirs of pure energy in their bodies. Even with traditional yoga most people focus on the Asana (physical poses) and soon enough focus is lost, and injuries occur. Kristina found that Qi Gong as an internal practice has long term benefits for the human psyche, and even people with injuries or people unable to do yoga Asana see benefits with regular Qi Gong practice.


This 4-hour workshop will teach you how to harness the Yin energy from the Earth, Yang energy from the Heaven, and undeferrentiated energy from Nature. We will learn the 6-healing sounds which affect the organ health of the Heart, Lung, Spleen, Liver, Kidney, and the Tripple Heater (San Jiao). You will learn the technique for collecting the Qi, as well as manipulating the flow of Qi within the body.


Depending on the number of participants we may partner up to "sense" each other's energy in a comfortable and supporting environment.


No requirements: comfortable and unrestricted clothing should be worn.




❤ 時間:  2019/8/13 (二) 14:00~18:00


❤ 費用: 原價40007/15前報名享早鳥優惠價 $1,999!


❤ 預約報名請洽LINE ID: @nomad  



👑 國際級空中瑜珈、空中核心鍛鍊大師、空中舞蹈教師、紐約中醫針灸師、按摩治療師 ❗❗


🔶 紐約OFSY(Om Factory School of Yoga)資深大師,身兼課程主領教師及空瑜師資培訓課程的共同創辦人。


🔶 紐約州持照的按摩治療師, 目前持續進行針灸學於美國紐約太平洋中醫學院(Pacific College of Oriental Medicine)


🔶 專長新課程開發與教材編撰。具有豐富的師資培訓課程經驗,同時帶領多堂空瑜、空中核心、空中健身及空中冥想等課程與工作坊 。